Saturday, September 1, 2007

Spring has Sprung!

Well, it is officially the second day of Spring and I am so glad that the days are getting longer and warmer! The only bad thing is that the LOUD birds around here start squawking at about 530 in the morning!! These are not quiet birds either. They are cockatoos and kookaburras - sounds like we are living in the freakin' jungle!

Otherwise life has been pretty good! My job has been great - I really have learned so much about teaching gymnastics so it has been a really good learning experience. I missed a day last week due to the fact that I had a bad sinus infection, but the kids have been great and I am happy.
I am on the fence trying to decide about getting my masters. Kieran gets back into his MBA courses in January and I think I might take a class towards my masters in education - we will see. I also am in the process of getting my qualifications updated to teach swim lessons.
I have been able to spend some time with Kieran and his family the past few weekends. Last weekend we had his family over for a picnic since it was his dad's birthday. It wound up being an indoor picnic because it rained when we wanted to eat but then it fined up and we went to the beach and park so his nephew could play. Nice day. Then I was at the football game with his parents today. they won their last regular season game of the year and playoffs start next weekend. It was also Father's Day here today. I think Kieran is ready for the season to be over. It has been a great year but busy for him.
We really do not have much else excitement in our lives these days. I fly into Minneapolis on Sept. 29th at 930pm and Kieran will be coming a few days later since he needs to work at the Rugby Grand Final (whether Manly is in it or not). It sounds like a lot of you are able to come so I am really looking forward to seeing all of you!! I sent the playlist in to the DJ today so get ready to boogie! We are working on a video of our area to show at the reception as well so we will see. It will be a home video, but I took it to the rugby today and have been getting bits and pieces each day.
Love all of you!! XOXO

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