Saturday, May 24, 2008

can u believe it has been a year?

Well I have been here for over a year now and it is hard to believe. There have been so many changes in my life it is pretty amazing!

I moved across the world and dealt with making new friends, and fitting into a different culture
I have had THREE jobs (4 if you count the dog walking)

I have been married
I have moved house since arriving here.

No wonder I have had my homesick moments and stress! I would not change any of it though and I have become one tough chick because of it all. I am gaining some true friends and some great work experiences as well.


I have not written on here on a bit so here are some updates from our neck of the woods. We are all settled in at our new place. We are really liking it and think t is much better than the last place we had. Winter is here and I have had to bundle up when I walk to work and do my recess duties. Not too much rain like last year though. I have been fighting a cold for the last week and a half or so and there have been lots of sick kids at school.

Kieran and I have had some busy weekends recently. When he does not have to work at a home game it seems like lately we have had a lot on. One of the highlites would be the Australia Vs. New Zealand game we went to a few weeks ago with our friends from New Zealand. We took a a party bus into the city and then went to the game. The Aussies dominated so Kieran was happy. We then all went out to some nearby pubs - the New Zealanders really know how to party! Another event was an Australia South Africa Rugby Union game (I'm noticing a trend here). We went to Manly for a late lunch and took the ferry into the city to meet our friends Dom and Sejr. I also have become pretty social with the girls I work with and there have been some dinners and nights out. We also are thankful for the quiet nights at home too.

Our new place is a good little home for us. This past Saturday we went to see what was out there to buy in the near future and a two bedroom apartment in our area will set us back a bit but we are nearly ready to buy. It was fun to look around and see what was out there. I think whatever we get we will renovate bits a pieces. We are happy here for the rest of the year though. It has been great walking to work in the morning. Kieran and I both are having success with our jobs. I spoke with the principal at the school last week and it looks like she is more than happy to let me get some teaching experience next year - I just need to get listed with a teaching agency. I think the Catholic Diocese will be my best bet. It is being looked into anyhow. I am happy!

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