Wednesday, August 1, 2007

So I have been in Sydney now for about three months. Some days it feels like it has been longer and other times it seems like I just got here! Life has been pretty good lately. I started my new job with the company Sportspro (see my spiffy unform?) and so far it has been much less stress than the one with the Y. I'm still adjusting to things but I think it will be a good fit. I'm at three different schools throughout the week and so far it has been a good experience.

My weekends have gotten busier it seems like as I begin to meet more people. The highlight of the month so far has been the costume party Iwent to this weekend. Kieran and I were invited to go on a party cruise through Sydney Harbour. He had a work function to go to so I went with some of the girls he works with. We dressed up as construction workers. Costume parties are always a good time. We then docked the boat in the city and went to a place called, "The Retro". There are three levels and each level is a different decade theme. There were the 70's floor, 80's and the floor where they played more current and 90's stuff. Very fun place. I can't wait to explore the city more now that I have been getting out. We also have joined a softball team which starts soon so that should be good too.
Kieran and I played babysitter this past Sunday watching after his nephew (soon to be my nephew too!), Nicholas.HE is almost 2 years old and super cute! We took him to our apartment and had a picnic in the park by our place. Then we took him to the beach where he laughed so hard when he put his toes in the water! HE took a bit of a spill and got covered in water and sand (fully clothed by the way) but we had a great afternoon.
All that is really new otherwise is that I started a detox diet. I am not allowed meat, caffine, dairy, or chocolate and I take these pills to help "flush" my insides. Iam not doing it to loos weight but to feel better inside and out. I am on day 4 and I have not had meat yet, but I have cheated a bit in all of the other areas. I have been feeling better though...I give credit to anyone who has done a diet:)
Wedding plans are ticking along thanks to my mom and sister! They have been amazing! Kieran and I went and got our wedding bands the other day and will be working on our programs this weekend. Crazy to think I will be home in two months time!! Can't wait to see everyone. I really hope all of you are considering coming to visit us. We live in such a beautiful area and I really hope I get o share it with all of you. You all are welcome anytime!! Can't wait ot hear from you all!!!

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