Monday, July 9, 2007

Ticking Along...

So not a whole lot is new and exciting these days. Just working and trying to plan the wedding and get more settled in here in Newport. I am slowly ticking things off of my massive list of things to get, register for, and pay for! I had my last day at my job for the YMCA on June 30th so that should be less stress for me...the photo on the left was taken a few Sundays ago when Kieran and I were driving back from Church. It is the next suburb north of us and where I will be teaching a few days a week in my new job. Nice little shacks they have, huh?

The kids are on school holidays right now so I don't officially start my placement for my new job until next week but I have been working a few days at vacation camp. It is basically glorified babysitting but it's money. Otherwise just relaxing and tomorrow I am going to look for a waitressing job or something for a few nights a week. A little extra money and something to do. I applied to get my Australian Swim instructor certification so hopefully that goes through so I can teach swim lessons. I might look into volunteering somewhere or something too. My new job is only 30 hours week so it will be good to have more to do. I also joined a gym so I have been going there a lot.

Trying to meet people. The photo to the right is of me and some girls I have become close with. The blonde is actually from Maryland and married an Aussie. I met the girl on the far right through Kieran last year when I came so we kept in touch. Very nice girls. I still miss everyone from home though!! Keep the emails and letters coming - they mean a lot. Kieran and I are super excited for the wedding. I plan on coming home around Sept. 30th so please contact me or stop by my parents' house so I can see everyone!
Not a whole lot else to report on. The Sea Eagles are currently in 2nd. They won 56-0 on Saturday so that was exciting. Only a month left in the regular season. We have been watching the Twins on so I have been loving that. Kieran is officially a Twins fan!! We have to go to our engaged couples retreat for the Catholic church this weekend. Not sure what to expect but hopefully we will learn some stuff. Well, that is all I know for now. Keep in touch everyone!!

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